Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cheap Healthy Recipes Nutrition for kids

Nutrition for kids explained.

The first thing we should look at is the proportion of different foods kids should eat at any one meal.
If we keep to this to nutrition for kids guide we will be providing our family with a healthy balanced diet In the following way;

Proteins Fill 15% of the plate.

If we fill 15% of the plate then we are giving them enough protein for constant cell rejuvenation.
Healthy Choices: include eggs, cheese, poultry and meat.
Nutrition For Kids Food Facts: babies, toddlers, children and teens need more protein than the average adult because they are still growing.

Carbohydrates Fill 30% of the plate

If we fill the plate with roughly one third of carbohydrates then they will be getting enough carbohydrates for energy.
Healthy Choices: include whole wheat bread, brown rice, legumes, pasta, starchy vegetables – potatoes.
Nutrition For Kids Food Facts: The type of carbohydrate is the key here. Refined sugars in off the shelf treats and some juices give a quick burst of energy but also a very deep low. Teachers see this every day. Kids who have had a sugary breakfast cereal are going down hill by 10.00. Concentration in waning and behaviour deteriorates. Learning time is severely diminished.
Kids who have had a more sensible breakfast – wholemeal toast, spread with mashed avocado and a slice of tomato, for example are breaking down their carbs steadily and have a constant supply of energy, for increased concentration and learning. They stay the distance.

Fruits and vegetables fill a third of the plate.

If we put these on the plate we are giving them food for vitality.
Healthy choices: include all fruit and all vegetables.
Nutrition For Kids Food Facts: Fruits and vegetables provide us with essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They give us what we need for growth, development and disease resistance – from the common cold to cancer.
There is always some article or other pertaining to the advantages of some mineral or antioxidant. And it’s not rubbish – remember the folic acid supplements you took religiously while pregnant. Well folic acid occurs naturally in green vegetables, liver, kidney, nuts, wholewheat bread and wholegrain cereals. So take these supper foods seriously.

Fats fill 3% of the plate.

If we provide the right fats we will be giving them the ability to absorb the fantastic vitamins we are making so much effort to give them.
Healthy Choices: include polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils like soy bean, corn, sunflower and safflower.
Monounsaturated fats in olive oil, Canola oil nuts and seeds.
Essential fatty acids, omega 6 and 3 essential for brain development.
Nutrition For Kids Food Facts: We have got into the mind set of late that fat is bad. And yes it is – like anything, in excess. It is a food fact however that children need fat in their diet. Babies take 50% of their energy from fat up to about one years of age and 35% from then on.
It is also a food fact that some fats are necessary to absorb the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K. So do not do away with fat altogether. Instead we need to realise that there are different types of fat. Some we should avoid and some we should not.

Dairy Food fills 15% of the plate.

If we provide the dairy products we will be giving them strong bones and teeth.
Healthy Choices: include milk, cheese, yoghurt and eggs.
Nutrition For Kids Food Facts: These foods are high in vitamins A and B12 and calcium. The calcium in milk is easily absorbed by our bodies. Be aware however that the fats in dairy tend to be saturated, so our intake is worth watching and balancing.
So healthy nutrition is achievable. Just keep visualising our plate and make the Healthy choices I have outlined in roughly the proportions and you can be confident you have given your kids a healthy balanced diet.

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